Each Location Will Have Its Own List Of Services Offered Based On Availability.

Our monthly membership provides you with the peace of mind that your boat will be well taken care of and always ready for your pleasure. However, if this does not fit your needs check into our ala cart program. In any event, you can be assured of top-notch care, and you can leave the worry to us and enjoy the Boat sitters’ peace of mind guaranteed.

Maintenance Providers
Are you a service provider or maintenance technician and looking for a career with Boat Sitters? Send us a message to learn more about available opportunities.

Available Locations
This is a first-time opportunity! Franchising is a great way to start a business that enables you to work for yourself. You will receive valuable assistance throughout the life of your business and reap the benefit of the parent company. If you have the drive and commitment to lead as a Boat Sitters Franchise Owner, contact us today.